Why You Need a Drainage System if You Have a Flat Roof
There’s something about the modern style of a flat roof that many homeowners find appealing. While it’s common on business buildings, many homes favor this style as well. If you are one of these homeowners, then you likely have considered a roof drainage system.
And if not, now is the time. There are drainage solutions for flat roofs that are not difficult to implement, and they could save you a lot of cost and damage in the long run.
Let’s discuss the importance of a drainage system for a flat roof, and why you should have one.
Minimum Slope for Flat Roof Drainage
Chances are, your roof has a slight slope, even if it appears to be flat. When roofs are completely flat, they accumulate water and moisture. And it’s no secret that an accumulation of water on a roof is no good. Down the road, this sitting water could lead to a leak.
However, this in and of itself is not going to get the job done for a variety of reasons. A subtle slope is hardly a drainage system for a flat roof. What you need is a proper guttering system.

A flat roof slope for drainage will alleviate water from sitting and pooling all over. However, it can still build up at the lip. And when it reaches the edge, it will run down the side of the house. But water pooling at the base of your house is problematic as well, as it could cause foundational leaking.
But if you have a guttering system in place, you can divert water from your roof and your home. Spouts are designed to remove water from the structure. Overall, guttering systems are simple, but they are highly effective in preventing water damage.
Other Solutions
Gutters are not your only solution. But they are certainly the most cost effective and practical. Depending on your roof, you could consider installing drain systems. This requires additional labor and materials, which comes down to cost.
The bottom line is that a drainage system for a flat roof doesn’t have to be elaborate to be effective. Water will work its way down one way or another. If you can give it a pathway, it will follow with ease. Gutters are excellent drainage solutions for flat roofs because of this.
If you have questions or would prefer our experts take a look at your flat roof, reach out to us. We are happy to help you understand your options when it comes to drainage solutions. We also provide free estimates so you know where you stand.
Get a free estimate for a gutter installation today!